Monday, September 7, 2009

San Diego Beach Life

Del Mar. I saw the three people at the bottom first, stuck them in the middle and then waited for the rest to happen on its own. A perfect triangle! I couldn't have set it up better myself:)

We took the ferry from Coronado yesterday and there were tons of sailboats out. It was a beautiful day so I thought I would try to capture some of what we had the pleasure of experiencing.

This one is my favorite. The sailboat just pops!


  1. Wonderful use of b/w. The third one down is my favorite too.


  2. Very nice shots - the the third one appeals the most to me because the eye is drawn to the boat, not the buildings in the background, yet the buildings are nice for framing/composition and then there's the nice reflection in the water in the portrait view that you don't see as much in the landscape view.

  3. Number 3 gets my vote as well. Keep up the good work.


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